On Oct. 21, 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a further extension of the compliance deadline for PIP (3:1)-containing articles. The current deadline would expire on March 8, 2022. The draft proposes a delay until Oct. 31, 2024 (Halloween).
In addition to the deadline for processing, manufacturing and distributing certain PIP (3:1)-containing articles in commerce, the associated recordkeeping requirements for manufacturers, processors and distributors would now be deferred. This is said to be necessary to avoid disrupting supply chains for key consumer and commercial products. These include electronic and electrical equipment, as well as industrial and commercial equipment used in various sectors such as transportation, construction, agriculture, forestry, mining, life sciences and semiconductor manufacturing.
There is a 60-day public comment period on the regulatory proposal under Docket No. EPA-HQ-OPPT-2021-0598, for which EPA also provided a description of the specific information the agency needs to support further extensions of the compliance deadlines. These include, for example, specific uses of PIP (3:1) in articles throughout their supply chain, specific steps to identify, test, and qualify substitutes for those uses, and an estimate of the time it would take to remove the substance.
In our webinar "TSCA and California Proposition 65 - (new) substance bans in the USA", fully qualified lawyer Inken Green informs you – in German language – about the most important implications of TSCA and provides recommendations for action for manufacturers with the USA as a target market.